Bocce is a flexible game, it’s why so many have fallen in love with it. Even so, some would like to show off their skills and win games so knowing the different types of bocce ball throws might help you with that.
There are three common bocce throws: the punto, raffa, and volo throws. The punto throw is simply rolling your ball toward a specific target, best done when there are no obstructions along the way. The raffa throw is used to move another ball intentionally. The volo throw is an aerial shot to displace another object before the ball hits the ground.
Of course, if you’re playing in more casual games, no one expects you to deploy these throws, especially the complicated ones. But using them can definitely make you look more like a pro.
What are the Three Types of Bocce Throws
Bocce ball is a fun and casual backyard game anyone can enjoy with friends and family. But when games get heated, your competitive spirit may be up as well. You can’t help it but you want to win, it’s just how things go naturally.
Instead of just throwing and rolling your bocce balls into play after the typical coin toss, you can alternate between the game’s three most commonly used throws: punto, raffa, and volo.
Applying any of these throws even in a casual game at social gatherings, you can gain more points, improve your skills, and appear to be more of a pro.
If you’re confused as to what these types of bocce ball throws are, we’ve got you covered right here:
The punto throw, also known as pointing or puntata, is a throwing strategy used by players whose goal is to roll their ball as close to a reference point as possible, whether that’s a pallino or another bocce ball. This is typically a gentle underhand throw.
Punto is the most common throw used in a game of bocce and is used when there is a clear, unobstructed path to the pallino without hitting other balls along the way.
“Punto” is an Italian word which means point. As such, the punto throw is used to make your ball the closest ball to the pallino with the objective of gaining a point in that frame.
In puto throws, a player must not pass the foul line or throwing line of the playing surface. The player must release the ball before crossing this line or the ball is void.
According to the guidelines from the Confederazione Boccistica Internazionale (CBI), a throw must not take place without the referee’s nod in official games. Otherwise, the ball thrown is void.
Additionally, if your ball strikes and displaces another object, the referee will have to determine whether the throw is void or not.
If the thrown ball displaces another ball or the pallino by more than 70 cm, then the ball is void and the displaced object must be placed back to its original position.
Raffa throws – also known as hitting, spocking, shooting, or bombing – is a type of throw used by players who want to intentionally move or displace an opponent’s bocce ball, the pallino, or even your own ball in the game.
In official games, the player attempting a raffa throw must inform the referee before making the shot. The player must also declare first the object they intend to hit. The player must wait for the referee’s nod or approval or the ball will be considered void.
Just like the punto throw, the player making the raffa throw must do so without passing the foul line of the bocce court. Should the player cross this line before releasing the ball, then it is a dead ball.
According to the CIB, any balls within 13 cm of the declared target automatically become part of the player’s target. The throw is allowed on any object within that area. A ball thrown that misses the target object is void, except for the advantage rule.
The volo throw is a high-arching aerial shot used by players whose objective is to displace other objects on the court before their ball touches the ground after the throw.
Just like with the raffa throw, players making this shot must first declare the intention and the item they intend to hit.
This type of throw is used mainly in official competitions and not generally permitted in court bocce due to concerns about safety and damage to the courts.
How to Throw a Bocce Ball
Here are a few more tips on throwing bocce balls:
- Know your grip on your bocce balls
There are two common ways players hold or grip their balls:
The most common type of grip most players use is the underhand, or palm up, grip where the palm is facing upward.
The overhand, or palm down, grip is less common in casual games but is still allowed. You will see the overhand grip used more by professional bocce ball players. Here, the palm is facing downward.
- Form the right stance
Before throwing the ball, form a strong stance with your knees slightly bent. This will give you more control and force.
- Choose from the types of bocce ball throws
As we’ve dived deep earlier, there are three common bocce ball throws: the punto, raffa, and volo.
Depending on the level of game you’re playing, you might not even need to use all three, maybe you can use two at most in most casual games.
- Plan your techniques and strategies to beat the opponent’s ball
While you’re in the game, you will need to think of various techniques and strategies to try and score points during a frame. There are three main strategies most players use:
This is a defense strategy and involves surrounding the pallino with your team’s balls to block the opposing team from getting close to it.
This is used when the opponent is blocking the pallino and means you hit your ball against the court’s wall or board to get your team’s ball closer to the pallino.
This involves bumping into the pallino and moving it to a position favorable to your team.
Though generally enjoyed as a casual game, players can’t help but feel competitive when they’re in the middle of a bocce game. You might need to know the different types of bocce ball throws to give your team a win.
There are three common bocce ball throws: the punto, raffa, and volo. The punto throw is a throwing technique where players roll their ball as close as possible to a target point where there are no other objects blocking the way. The raffa throw is used to move or displace another ball on the court intentionally. And the volo throw is an aerial shot with the goal of moving another object before the ball touches the ground.
If you’re only playing casual games with friends and family, then there’s no need to force yourself to use these types of throws. However, they can be a big help if you’re feeling competitive and so do the rest of the players.