How Many Frames in Bocce Ball?

How Many Frames in Bocce Ball featured photo

Bocce ball is a fun game enjoyed by many. Still, many get confused about how many frames in bocce ball are needed to finish the game.

It’s hard to give a simple answer to this question because it actually depends on the predetermined winning score number (games are sometimes played to 12 points, 15 points, or 21 points) as well as the progress of the actual gameplay. Players play additional frames until a team reaches the winning score, so it can take more frames to complete a game when teams are evenly matched vs. when one team consistently scores a lot more points than the other.

Although it’s not typical, in some cases people decide to determine the winner based on the number of frames won instead of points. This case makes it easier to determine the number of frames needed.

The number of frames needed would vary and depend on the number of winning points and how the players play.

How Many Frames in Bocce Ball?

Bocce is one of the most popular ball games in the world. It has millions of fans and players, both in the casual and official sense.

Casual players may still be confused about a couple of things when it comes to playing bocce, especially if they don’t find themselves engaging in strict official rules.

One common question some might still have about playing bocce is how many frames exactly the game needs.

A round in bocce is called a frame. A game of bocce is won by the team that reaches a pre-determined score first. The winning number of points is typically 12 points. But there are also other variations: up to 15 points and 21 points are also common.

Nonetheless, and especially in casual games, the winning point can be higher or lower than these common variations. The players should agree to the number of points before the game begins.

It’s also typical that the winning team is ahead of the opposing team by at least two points. But then again, this can change depending on the players’ agreed-upon preferences or existing time constraints.

This means the players would need to play as many frames as necessary until a team reaches the agreed-upon point level.

So the question of how many bocce games are needed is a bit more complicated. No matter the case, the in or winning team could score a minimum of one point and a maximum of four points in a single frame.

So assuming you’ve set the winning points to 12 points and the in team scores four points per frame, then one could guess that a bocce game would need at least three frames to finish

Again, this guess would vary depending on the pre-determined score and the actual gameplay.

In some cases, games can be won by the number of frames won. Common variations include two out of three frames, three out of five frames, etc.

In these cases, it’s easier to determine how many frames you’d need to finish a single game.

The Basic Rules of Playing Bocce

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s have a quick review of the basics of how yo play bocce:

Game objective

The goal of the game is to get your team’s bocce balls closest to the pallino than the closest ball of the other team.

Equipment, teams, and players

Bocce is played with eight larger bocce balls and one smaller pallino, jack, or target ball. A measuring tool (measuring tape or string) also comes in handy in close-call games.

Two teams with equal numbers of players play the game. The game can accommodate two, four, or eight players. Depending on the number of players, teams can have one, two, or four players each. The balls will then be divided equally among members so depending on the players per team, each player can have one ball, two balls, or four balls each.


The game begins with a coin toss to determine which team throws the pallino.

Once the pallino is on the court, the same team throws the first bocce ball into play. There are two ways to go about the game:

  1. Official rules say that the player to throw the first bocce ball is the inside team. Each succeeding ball is thrown by the outside team, i.e. the team that doesn’t have the closest ball to the pallino.
  1. For more casual games, you can have teams have alternating throws, no matter which team is in or out.

All balls are thrown underhand. Hitting and spocking are generally permitted but the player must first announce the intention.

Scoring and winning

Only the in-team at the end of the frame gains any points. The winning team gets one point for each of their bocce balls closer to the pallino than the opposing team’s closest ball.

If a bocce ball is “kissing” the pallino, the team gets two points for it.


Bocce is one of the most beloved casual games for many backyard and barbeque parties. If you’ve played mostly casually, then you might be wondering how many frames in bocce ball are needed to finish a game.

This question is a bit more complicated to answer as there’s no one right answer. Generally, bocce ball games are won by the first team to reach the pre-determined number of points. There are also some cases in which games are won by the number of frames won. In this case, it’s easier to determine how many frames a single game would need.

Bocce frames are played until one team reaches the pre-determined winning point. The number of points and the actual gameplay would determine the number of frames the game needs.

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