If you enjoy playing bocce at your home, you probably already have a dedicated bocce court in your backyard. But have you considered adding a scoreboard to the playing area? It helps you keep track of the current scores from each team, ultimately promoting fairness.
There are different bocce ball scoreboard designs to choose from. One of the most popular styles is a vertical wooden board with two columns for scorekeeping. It typically uses adjustable clamps, which you can move to the current score.
Other projects include accessories, such as drink holders that keep beverages accessible during the game. Below, I’ll show you several bocce ball scoreboard designs. I hope these ideas inspire you to make a homemade scoreboard from scratch.
5 Bocce Ball Scoreboard Designs For Your Next DIY Bocce Project
Below are some bocce scoreboard ideas to inspire you to build one for your backyard court.
Vertical Bocce Scoreboard

This is the typical design of bocce ball scoreboards, and for good reasons.
The vertical orientation of the scoreboard makes it stand out from the background. It is easy to see from various angles of the bocce ball court.
Another benefit is the wise utilization of the compact space. Most bocce ball scoreboards have the number of scores in the middle. Then, the team clamps or markers are located on either side of the numbers. These markers are usually in two contrasting colors to help differentiate one team from another.
In this particular project, the homeowner used green and red pegs, which you can move according to the current score. The white background stands out from the wooden fence. Meanwhile, the large numbers use a contrasting color to ensure easy readability. Lastly, it stands a few feet from the ground using a durable support.
Horizontal Bocce Scoreboard

If you have a large space in your backyard, you can choose to build a horizontal bocce scoreboard.
Its layout offers a wide field of view, allowing both players and audiences to track the current game score.
The larger space also lets you add different elements. Now, you may wonder: What to include on a bocce scoreboard?
The score numbers are the most important part of any scoreboard for games. Feel free to add as many numbers as you want. But in bocce, the pre-determined score of 12 usually determines the winner of the game.
Besides the score numbers, you must also have the score indicators. These are usually pegs or circular markers you can change accordingly. In the sample image, the homeowner used wooden pegs where you can hang metal-colored rings. These indicate the current score of the team.
Other items to add to the horizontal bocce scoreboard include team names and a stand to support the board.
Bocce Scoreboard with Drink Holders

Are you the type of player who gets parched in the middle of the game? Or do you often kick bottles accidentally while tossing the bocce balls?
Either way, you’ll love a bocce scoreboard with drink holders. This board is usually in a vertical orientation with space for one to two beverages.
Having a drink holder makes things convenient because you don’t have to go inside your home to get water. It also eliminates accidentally knocking out bottles on the floor since you now have a dedicated space for beverages.
Some bocce ball scoreboard designs even have wide drink holders. These let you fit mugs and insulated tumblers. They are useful if you want something hot on cooler days.
You can use any material to make this creative bocce ball scoreboard design. Most homeowners prefer wood for its durability and natural beauty.
Bocce Scoreboard with Storage Area

Another creative bocce scoreboard idea is adding storage space for the bocce balls. You can put this storage area underneath the scoring board.
The bocce scoreboard itself uses a horizontal layout with two stands or legs on the ends. As mentioned, this orientation offers more space to work with. It also lets you add as many score numbers as possible, provided you have enough backyard space.
As the final touch, consider installing a roof or cover for the bocce scoreboard. It can protect your bocce equipment from rain and harsh weather.
Tabletop Bocce Scoreboard

If you have a table near the bocce ball court, you can create a simple bocce ball scoreboard design. Think of those flip scoreboards with large numbers, which are popular in other sports. You can simply place the scoreboard on top of the table to keep track of the current points.
This idea is probably the easiest to make because you don’t need heavy materials. All you need are vinyl, paint, a puncher, binder rings, markers, and some cardboard.
Use the vinyl as the background. Punch eight holes on the top of the vinyl bocce scoreboard.
The next thing to create is the score indicators. You can use paint or markers to draw the numbers on a thick cardboard. Get the puncher to make the same holes on the top. Make sure they are aligned with the holes on the vinyl.
Lastly, insert the binder rings into those holes to secure the scoring boards. Flip the boards to adjust the score accordingly.
Other Things to Look for in a Bocce Ball Scoreboard
Besides the bocce ball scoreboard design, you must consider several factors when building one from scratch.
Material Durability
You can use different materials to make a bocce ball scoreboard. One of the most popular materials is wood because of its natural beauty, versatility, and, of course, durability. Some wood types, especially hardwoods, can withstand sun, rain, and harsh weather conditions. They are great options for an outdoor bocce court.
Other materials to consider are vinyl and metal. However, make sure they can resist outdoor elements to a certain extent. If the metal material tends to rust, consider a bocce ball scoreboard design with a roof.
The size of the bocce ball scoreboard depends on the available space in your backyard.
If you have a small playing area, consider installing a tabletop or vertical scoreboard design. It is easy to fit in limited spaces.
But those with large backyards can easily make horizontal bocce scoreboards with extra storage space.
Number Readability
Another thing to consider is the readability of numbers on the bocce ball scoreboard. These determine the current score, so it must be easy to read from a distance or from different angles.
Make the numbers as large as you want. But larger figures mean a small maximum number because you have less space to work with (unless you have a horizontal scoreboard).
Meanwhile, choose a color that contrasts the background. For example, black numbers on a white background are easily discernible.
Ease of Installation
Finally, consider the installation process of the bocce scoreboard design.
Some styles use stakes as mounts. They are easy to install in the backyard near the bocce court. However, they can leave holes in your property, making it unappealing to guests.
Meanwhile, other bocce scoreboards let you mount it onto a fence or wall. They usually come precut with small holes where you can screw the board. If you prefer buying instead of making one from scratch, expect the manufacturers to include screws and other necessary tools for proper installation.
Lastly, you can encounter bocce scoreboard designs with a chain or rope. They are among the easiest to install because you simply hang the board on a hook. Just make sure the hook is secure to prevent the scoring sheet from falling off.
Having a scoreboard at your backyard bocce ball court can make the game more interesting. It encourages fairness and playful banter with the opposing team.
If you’re planning to create one from scratch, you can find many bocce scoreboard designs online. You can choose to go the popular route with a vertical board orientation. Or keep things lowkey and simple with a tabletop style. Feel free to browse other ideas above.
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